privacy policy

We are dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of information entrusted to us. We comply with applicable Data Protection Regulations including in particular the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP). Please read this Privacy Policy to learn about your rights, what information we collect, how we use and protect it.

This website is operated by Line+Circle GmbH, a Swiss corporation.  


Protecting your privacy is very important to us. The legal standards require comprehensive transparency regarding the processing of personal data. Only if the processing is comprehensible to you as the data subject, you are sufficiently informed about the meaning, purpose and scope of the data processing. Below we therefore inform you in detail about the way your data is handled when using this website and your rights regarding your personal data.

Should you have any further questions regarding data protection, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at

Name and Address of the controller

Controller for the purposes of the FADP, other data protection laws applicable in member states of the European Union and other provisions related to data protection is:

Line+Circle GmbH. Gunnar Karnath. Höhenstrasse 25. 8700 Küsnacht. Switzerland.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

You can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at:

General information on data processing

We process personal data only to the extent permitted by law. Personal data will only be disclosed in the cases described below. Personal data will be deleted or protected by technical measures (e.g. anonymisation) as soon as the purpose of processing ceases to apply. This also applies when a prescribed storage period expires, unless there is a need for further storage of personal data for another storage purpose. Unless we are legally obliged to store or disclose your personal data to third parties (in particular law enforcement authorities), the decision which personal data we process depends on which functions of the website you use in individual cases.

Please note that links on our website may take you to other websites which are not operated by us but by third parties. Such links are either clearly marked by us or are recognizable by a change in the address line of your browser. We are not responsible for compliance with data protection regulations and safe handling of your personal data on these websites operated by third parties.


Through use of our products and services, you agree to this privacy policy and consent to the features specified therein, specifically the use of cookies, analysis tools and resources that facilitate targeted/personalized advertising. If you do not agree to these features, you can of course use the opt-out methods described below.

You can control or prevent the use of cookies with the current versions of all popular web browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari). Additionally, the providers of the above-mentioned analysis and marketing tools provide their own resources (e.g. special browser add-ons or opt-out cookies) and similar tools for changing your cookie preferences.


We use the data we collect in order to maintain our relationship with our customers and potential customers; e.g. in order to create a newsletter, develop our website and adapt it to new requirements, and in order to provide you with relevant information and services.


To subscribe to our newsletter, you must provide us with your registration details, particularly your email address. A confirmation email will explain how this data is collected. You can update your profile information at any time or unsubscribe from the newsletter.

We use Squarespace Email Campaigns, a service that supports the design and target group addressing of email newsletters, to manage our newsletter subscriptions and send the newsletter. We use Squarespace to collect your newsletter subscription data (through our website or manually with your consent).


When you visit our website and view pages or content, you leave behind information on the nature of your visit, such as your choice of pages (URL), the date and time of your visit, the IP address of your computer, information on your device type and operating system and your browser ID (user agent string). This information is collected in server log files on our web server and stored for one year for debugging purposes.


We use modern, advanced analysis methods and tools to understand users’ habits on our website. This information helps us improve our products and services and provide relevant services and information. In principle, we use only anonymized data that does not allow us to identify the user.

Below we describe the analysis services and technology that we use for such purposes. Additionally, we show how you can prevent these services from analysis of your use of our website. These tools include Google Analytics, Squarespace Email Campaigns and Google Tag Manager

These services use cookies and tags for their various purposes. Cookies are small sections of code installed on the user’s computer that make it possible to identify the user, save user settings on a website and manage a session. They also enable logging and evaluation of visits and user interactions in various web services, and the sending of data to the web server. Tags are small sections of code built into websites and mobile applications that notify a server when a user carries out a certain action (e.g. clicking on a button).


Google Analytics is an analysis tool that prepares data on how users use our website for statistical evaluation. It sends information on page visits and user actions (e.g. the duration, sequence, and URL of visits and page visits, the previous page visited by the user and information on the user’s computer, operating system, browser, settings and approximate location) to Google’s servers. It uses cookies and similar resources, e.g. tracking pixels, to recognize users and attribute various actions and visits across different devices and sessions using anonymous characteristics, such as identification numbers. No personal data is sent to Google; IP addresses – used to locate a computer – are ‘masked’ in advance (certain characters are removed). Google provides more information in its data protection documentation. You can install an add-on to deactivate Google Analytics in your browser.


We use Google Tag Manager to embed tags in our website. When it detects an incoming http request, it collects the IP address and stores it temporarily in order to correct any connection errors.